1.As you peel back the layers of how you arrived here, a key factor to understanding what happened is the data with which you have to work.
2.Sacramento's inability to cope with the Hornets ' hustling defense on the ball-handler proved to be a key factor in the game.
3.The comprehensive ability in physical, technical and tactical, mental state is often a key factor in the race.
4.The Post said Powell indicated a commitment made to his wife was a key factor.
5.As reading data from disk is a slow operation, the amount of cache available is often a key factor in determining performance.
6.Customers have raved to us about this widget and some have even said it was the key factor in getting them to use Backpack.
7.Although China's banking crisis has not occurred, the fact that the vulnerability of the banking system is often a key factor in the crisis.
8.Investors said the lack of information about the debt standstill, announced on Wednesday, was the key factor sparking the wider turmoil.
9.The singer believes Britney's teenage career was the key factor in her downfall, with the pressure put on her too much to handle.
10.An investment bank gaming analyst said: "The key factor is what happens in July. In the second half we're looking for a bit of a rebound. "